Questionnaire-based biological age clock

From Longevity Wiki

The biological age test is powered by ENABL Age, an algorithm and epigenetic clock built by longevity experts. The algorithm combines machine learning models with explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods to produce accurate biological age outputs and predict age-related outcomes based on lifestyle and health behaviours.

Users can access the Novos Life test by completing a lifestyle survey upon signing up for the app. The app also provides an actionable longevity guide with personalised lifestyle recommendations and daily actions aimed at extending health span and reducing biological age.

As with most questionnaire-based applications, accurate user input is essential to get actionable results.

The company's test and its supporting features are designed to provide clarity and understanding. They allow individuals to better comprehend the factors that impact ageing, helping them make informed decisions to slow down their biological clock and improve long-term health.

Some of the main features of the Novos Life app include Lifestyle Score (out of 100), Community Ranking (how does your score compare to other Novos users), Personalised Recommendations, and AI chat, the latter of which a ChatGPT-esque assistant able to provide general answers about longevity and provide proactive support in future updates.

Download the Novos Life app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.